Manufactured by rare handmade leather bags and luggage group luxury wholesale China bag senior customization series products, contains not only brand wholesale China bag iconic classic leather handbag and bucket bag, but also all kinds of women and men handbags, wholesale China crossbody bag, briefcase, wallet, luggage and so on, which the most expensive single product is undoubtedly the crocodile leather classic bucket handbags.
Customers can choose their favorite color and texture of handbag, and engrave initials on handbags, create a unique wholesale China bag belonged to their own. Each kind of special customized product have exclusive number 1 / 1 to show the bag’s uniqueness, this number can be engraved on gold or silver nameplate together with the names of the guests, and the nameplate would be placed on the specific location of the bag and leather goods. According to the customer’s specific needs, the product will be delivered to the guest in the first half of the year to a year.
In addition, leather experts come from wholesale China bag production Italy Vicenza also flew to China to explain knowledge of leather for guests in the event, provided advanced customization guide. wholesale China bag advanced customization show activities earlier in London, New York, Paris and other places, this is the first time come to China, showing excellent traditional leather craft from Italy, and the perfect pursuit for the perfect material that China bag designers are proud of.